Hosting a party is always a lot of work, and that’s before you even think about kids running around, and the clean house that is dirtied up six minutes after you had it spotless. Hosting a brunch also means you are likely awake extra early to start cooking and setting up.
My solution for hosting brunch has been the Brownie Pan. I have had the pleasure to work with Pampered Chef and discover their amazing cookware. My favourite product, by far, is the Brownie Pan (and Mini Nylon Serving Spatula, for removing the food), because it is great for managing food portions, prepping your meals ahead of time, making meals for kids, or in this case, hosting a partyyy!
The Brownie Pan has 12 square wells, which is perfect for individual sizes. You can make omelets, pancakes, bacon-wrapped eggs, ham & egg cups, or whatever else you can dream up! You can also make these ahead of time and just warm up for the party. Or, if you have enough pans, you can pop them in the oven, and serve them up nice and hot when your guests arrive. You will look like the host of the year, with a whole lot less effort than standing there frying eggs and flipping pancakes while everyone else visits.
Here is an example of one of my recipes for the Brownie Pan: The Hashbrown Squares are great hot or cold, for breakfast or as a side dish for any meal, and are a great addition to any potluck party!