From my time teaching Preschool Music, I have learned and come up with many DIY musical crafts to get the kids interacting with different instruments. The great thing about these crafts is that most of them are made from items you would find in your own house, or craft cabinet (if you have one…if not, hit up the dollar store!); Many of the materials would be recycled, but are now given a new life!

Depending on your child’s age and level, you’ll know how much of the instrument creation they can do, and how much you’ll need to assist them with, but overall, try make the creation of the instrument an activity in itself, even if it’s just the decorating!!

Maracas – Option 1

What You’ll Need:

  • 4 Raisin Boxes (preferably large)
  • 2 Popsicle Sticks (preferably large)
  • Uncooked Macaroni (you can use rice, but it makes a huge mess!)
  • Scotch Tape
  • Construction Paper
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors
  • Stickers


  1. Using empty raisin boxes, tape one end of each of them closed. Use the other end to fill about half-full with uncooked macaroni. Once filled, tape that end shut.
  2. Tape a popsicle stick to one of the raisin boxes length-wise, and then tape the second raisin box to the box with the popsicle stick attached (the popsicle stick should now be on the inside of the two boxes). Repeat this step for the other maraca.
  3. Use construction paper to wrap around the boxes and design them, if you want them to look like something other than a raisin box.
  4. Continue decorating to your hearts content, with stickers, paper and glue, and/or markers. Then, get your shake on!

Maracas – Option 2

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 Plastic Eggs (preferably small)
  • Macaroni
  • 4 Plastic Spoons
  • Scotch Tape
  • Colourful Duct Tape
  • Stickers


  1. Fill one half of a plastic egg with macaroni. Then close and tape the egg shut. Repeat this step with the other egg.
  2. Cup the egg length-wise with the head of two plastic spoons. Using scotch tape, tape around the head of the spoons. Repeat this step with the other maraca.
  3. Using colourful duct tape, tape at the base of the handle of the spoons, to make a handle for the maraca. Repeat this step for the other maraca.
  4. Decorate with stickers and then get shaking!

I hope you shake your maracas like a Polaroid picture!