Do you want to know my biggest secret to a healthy life and a healthy kitchen? It’s not even a secret at all. One simple word – PREP (or I guess the word would actually be preparation, but I like prep better). I’ve learned that prepping healthy options is so important for me, especially because I am usually working over meal times.
Nobody wants to see me hangry, but even more important, I don’t want to be so hungry that I grab the most instant and unhealthy thing I can find. This is true for anyone, if you have a busy work life, a busy home life, you have kids that are rummaging through the fridge, or you are running around from place to place. To be honest, even if you are working at home all day, if you leave your hunger too long, prep is the answer.
When it comes to prep, here are some easy things to think about:
- Plan out your grocery list. It’s the worst thing going to the grocery store and having no idea what you need or what your meals are going to look like that week. Make a list of what meals you want to eat, what snacks you’re running low on, and focus on that!
- Be a Prep Chef (I wish that sounded as cool as Sous Chef or Head Chef, but we can work with it). That means unload, wash, chop. Find time in your schedule to do the tedious tasks. Your stomach will thank you when you have all your veggies in a beautiful veggie tray or washed and sliced in baggies in the fridge, and that is the first thing you want to eat before even thinking about chips.
- Make meals ahead of time and appreciate the leftovers. Once again, I have to make meals ahead of time, or I won’t be able to eat dinner until 10PM; I need the food accessible at my fingertips. But for others, it might just mean acquiring a new appreciation for leftovers – making a bit more food than you need for dinner that night, so you have a nice healthy lunch the next day.

The Brownie Pan
One wonderful solution I have found for prepping my meals ahead of time, is the Brownie Pan. I loved it so much, that I wrote a whole cookbook on it! Carlee did a post about my omelets a while back. The Make-Ahead Omelets are a big hit in my house, because you wake up and breakfast is ready! The Brownie Pan has allowed me to prep breakfast, lunch/dinner, and snacks and have the right portions (even if that means I’m eating 2 squares of everything). It’s great for kids, for feeding a big crew, or for prepping for yourself, because you can also freeze what you won’t eat that week.
I’m going to share one of my favourite grab-and-go snacks with you – Primal Pancakes. Please note that if you don’t have the Pampered Chef Brownie Pan, times may vary. If you decide to order this (click here to order through me), the mini nylon serving spatula for releasing the food is a must-have!
Happy Prepping Y’all!