This is an old family tradition of mine, that I feel like I need to bring back. For quite a few years my family would have a whole spread of Raclette that made dinner last hours and hours – I love when food is savoured and experienced like that! Then we would play games and merrily drink (even if it was sparkling water…). But somewhere in there, we would all fill out this little sheet and then go around the table and discuss! It sparked some great conversations, memories, maybe also some happy tears, and it’s been a great resource to look back on!

Here is a copy of the sheet! Download and print for yourself or your family & friends.

This isn’t a school assignment! There are no right or wrong answers. It’s just you, putting pen to paper, and reflecting on what a hopefully wonderful, and possibly tough year it has been, and then sending out positive vibes for the year ahead!

Happy New Year, to come!!