Tea…some like it hot, some like it cold. This post today is for all those cold-tea lovers out there, or iced-tea if you’d prefer. It is also for those that are intrigued by the idea of mixing alcohol with their tea…sounds good, right?! Or for people that think they don’t like tea, but after they try it like this, they will. For all of you that fit in any of these categories, read further…

Making Cold Tea

First and foremost, you need to know how to make cold tea. One of the ways to make cold tea is to boil water and steep your tea as you normally would, and then pour over ice.

Cold Tea Pitcher - How to Make Cold Tea

My favourite way to make cold tea is to steep it right from cold. To do that, I use my Iced Tea Infusion Jug (best thing ever!). I fill it with water, and then in the centre, I add two “1 Pot of Steeped Tea” spoons worth of tea. Then I place that in the fridge and let it steep for at least one hour. Often I will let it steep over night.

Bonus: This can serve as your juice all week long!! No sugar needed.

I sometimes use the Sweet Tea Pitcher, but more often reserve that little beauty for my tea sangria (it holds over two bottles of wine!).

Cold Tea

Making Tea Sangria

Now, the real reason you are still reading…I know you’re thinking, “she said we could mix alcohol with our tea.” You heard me right…or read me right, rather. This easy little party trick – mix two bottles of sparkling white wine and two “1 Pot of Steeped Tea” spoons worth of tea, and let steep in the fridge for one hour. Boom – you’re instantly the best party host ever! My favourite wine to use is Martini Brand, because you can buy the double bottle for an inexpensive price and it tastes delicious.!

Tea Sangria

My Favourite Teas to Make Cold

If you’re wondering what teas to make cold, I’d direct you in the direction of Fruit Tea first. There is no caffeine in these fruit teas, so it is also a great pop or juice substitute for kids, and for adults of course.

Some of my favourites (in no particular order) include:

All About Cold Tea

As always, happy (cold) sipping!

P.S. Click any of the links/pink text to shop the products I use to make iced tea!