Some people don’t like making New Year’s resolutions, because they find January 1st to be an arbitrary date. Some people love that January 1st acts as a reset button for their life. I love setting goals, making lists, planning improvement anytime and anywhere, so, the New Year, arbitrary or not, gives me another excuse to do that.

I always make a list of goals for the year ahead – some big and some small, some work-related and some home-related. For 2020, in addition to my list, I decided to make a somewhat resolution, or a daily goal. I was going to attempt to have a mindful meal everyday, meaning I would sit down and simply eat…not work on my computer, not answer messages, not be running around cleaning. When I share a meal with others, I am very mindful, and I don’t do any of those multi-tasking things, but the majority of my meals are alone, so I wanted to try something…just eat.

That being said, I am all about starting small, creating a habit, and then building from there. Small goals are always more attainable and sustainable. So, with a newborn coming in March, I decided what was more attainable was a mindful snack. Everyday, at some point, I am going to sit down and taste my food, enjoy my food, savour my food. Sounds small, but I’m sure the impact will be big.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2020 and accomplish some of your goals, both big and small!