Hi to all the returning book clubbers – it’s a new year, but the same book club! And welcome to any newcomers – is it one of your New Year’s resolutions to read more this year? Hope this book club helps you! It’s not too big of a commitment, but takes the deciding what book to read out of the equation!

A reminder for how online book club works: I choose the book and share it here. You have about two months to read the book. I will return here with my review of the book and book club questions!

Make book club your own. If you wish to follow along for book suggestions, please do. If you want to read the books and chit-chat with me about it, even better. If you have a group and want to start your own book club and use the book club questions for that…well, I call that a major win!


Book Club #4

This book club selection, When Life Gives You Pears, is a memoir by the well-known Jeannie Gaffigan. She tells the story of her journey from finding out she had a pear-sized brain tumor, to fighting for her life, followed by her recovery. As a wife, mother of five children, and a director, her whole world, and the world of her family, was turned upside down – they all came out of this journey with a new normal. Although this memoir will tell the story of the strength of family and determination, Gaffigan’s humour will be sure to shine through.

Stay tuned for my review and book club questions at the end of February, 2020! Happy Reading!