On Instagram, I asked y’all for your block scheduling questions, and here are some answers!

What’s the best advice for a newbie?

Refer to my first post about block scheduling, that should hopefully help you get started!

What app do you use for your “daily lists”?

I’m so simple – I just use notes in my phone. You can also share these with other iPhone users (my family shares a travel dates notes, and my SIL and brother share a note for their grocery list!).

But in the past, I did use the Remember The Milk app. Some suggestions from others were: Cozi and Wunderlist.

Any tips for getting back on track once you have fallen out of your routine?

Just start. Rather than saying, “Oh, I’m already off track, I’ll start again next week.” Start now.

Granted, give yourself grace. Christmas break was a time, for example, where I purposely “fell out of routine.” And, if that doesn’t work…baby steps. Start with one thing at a time that you want to get back on track with. Less overwhelming!

Do you schedule things in like housework? Do you have a set day for that or will it change?

I’ve tried various things before. Some being that I always clean toilets (one of my fav chores) on the same day, etc., but because I switch between places and we have guests so often, I found it was best to change the date and time up!

So, I just put cleaning on my weekly calendar, usually under my “Free Time” section…I know, how fun! But, if you think having a consistent cleaning day/time would be best for you, schedule it in!!

For specific events, do you use your calendar or phone or revise your spreadsheet?

I’m paper calendar all the way! So for specific events, I put them in my paper calendar. And then, because I’m weird, and I’ve been stepped on by technology too many times, I put about a month worth of that calendar into my phone at a time – that way, I can refer to it when I’m out.

My biggest challenge is keeping appointments with myself, how do you do this?

Those are the most important appointments!! “Put on your own mask first.” I put those dates/times in my calendar and treat them as a date with a friend. I wouldn’t want to cancel on a friend, so I don’t cancel on myself either.

With the exception…if you want to adjust your schedule so that you can fit in something else special, and still find time later for your you appointments, then go for it!

Some people need an accountability partner for this!

Don’t you find it overwhelming and how do you deal with things that come up?

I find it less overwhelming than not having a plan, because all my time gets spent how I want it to. And, like I talk about in my first post, you can have a lot of “free time” in your schedule that doesn’t feel wasted.

You don’t have to be a prisoner to your schedule. Change it and be flexible with it as you choose (I don’t say no to a party because I have food prep booked into my schedule, I just adjust accordingly).

How far in advance do you block schedule?

My studio schedule stays the same from September to June, so I make a block schedule for that period of time. It then changes for July to August. And then changes again. Basically, I only need to do it up twice a year, and then just edit/make changes as needed!


This following schedule is not my own, but one I used as an example for someone that works a consistent 9-5 job.

Have you started block scheduling yet?! Is it calling your name?