I must have heard it seventy times in my first month living in Seattle…”You have to go visit Leavenworth!” So, I did! A wonderful friend accompanied C and I for […]
Family-Friendly Hikes in Washington [near Seattle]
When hiking in Washington, you will need a Discover Pass, a National Park Pass, or a Northwest Park Pass to park at most locations (figure out which one you need […]
Family-Friendly Nature Walks in Seattle
Something I love about living in Seattle, is that even living right downtown, it only takes a 10-30 minute drive to get to so many beautiful parks, beaches, and trails […]
San Diego Travel Guide
San Diego gives you all the options – the water, hiking, sports, so many family-friendly parks, and food food food! So, it’s a great location to go with kids and […]
San Francisco [Travel Guide] in 3 Days
I went to San Francisco, with a toddler; a 1.5-year-old toddler. We were there for 2 nights, and a total of 49 hours. The amount we were able to accomplish, […]