How did you meet Jordan? How long have you been together?
We met in Grade 10 in 2006 in our Math Class. He sat in front of me and kept bugging me by turning around and asking me questions, when I was just trying to focus. I eventually gave in…I guess I couldn’t resist his box-coloured blonde hair. We eventually had our first date seeing Ice Age 2 in theatres, followed by his sister picking us up (neither of us were old enough to drive yet). So, we have been together since April 2006, with a couple University break-ups mixed in there! Fun fact…we’ve never gone more than 3 days without talking to each other in all those years!
How do you cope with your husband travelling so much?
I have truly become so used to it. That doesn’t make it easy, but it makes it routine. I think for all of the people out there with a travelling spouse, you get very good at doing things alone (or with friends), and it gives you additional time for your own interests and hobbies. Growing up, my dad travelled so much for work, and I remember him calling my mom and us kids every night from his hotel room. Luckily, we now have even more access with FaceTime, text, and phone calls right at our finger tips…it really is a long-distance blessing. Our house is also a lot cleaner when he’s out of town…just saying…haha!
Do you hang out with other hockey wives when the guys are on the road?
Sometimes! The thing to remember is that we all have our own lives and routines. Even when Jordan is on the road, I still am teaching and working. Many people have kids and need to get them to school, and activities, and stay on track for their dinner and bedtime. But when there are things scheduled in for the team, like charity events, baby showers, bachelorettes, etc., I try to make it to what I can.
Do you go to all of Jordan’s hockey games?
This is a question I get a lot, and the answer is, “not even close.” I would say in an average season, I see maybe 15 games. I’ll see a handful of home games, and then every season I try to make a trip with my parents, and other family/friends to explore and also see Jordan play in a new rink. I work a lot of nights, and I don’t know how to turn on our TV (thank you, SportsNet app, for filling me in), nor do I understand what is happening on the ice… Luckily my hockey confusion is equal to Jordan’s confusion when I say something like, “my student is working on their ascending melodic minor scales.” But, I’m team Jordan all the way, and will always go to enough games to show my wifely support!
How do you make time for date night when you are both so busy?
This is definitely easier in the summer when we have consistent schedules. So, in the summer, we pick a night of the week – depending on the summer, sometimes it’s that particular night every two weeks.
During the season, we look at our schedules and make sure we can at least fit in one date night a month. Scheduling is everything!
What is it like being traded?
It is overwhelming. Your life changes with a single phone call. I remember I was actually driving around Edmonton doing Pampered Chef & Steeped Tea deliveries when Jordan called me. Although you know there’s always a positive on the other side, I think if you weren’t heartbroken, it would mean you didn’t enjoy your time where you were. I cried. I was a mess. Instantly, I was getting a million messages and trying to figure out our game plan for my music studio, our home, and what our new arrangements would be.
I know I was blessed by the fact that it happened in the summer, so I had time to organize. Many people get traded and their husband leaves literally within 24 hours. I also know I didn’t have kids to think about in terms of where they would go to school or who their new doctor would be, etc. But no matter what you are moving from, it is always a drastic life change that happens quickly, and without your say. All you can do is look at it as a new adventure, and get ready for something new! Each move has challenged me as a person, and has helped me grow.
What is it like to be married to be a professional athlete?
I originally answered this question on Instagram when I was packing up for the off-season and handing out tasks to Jordan, because our house lease and our car lease and all the things were up, and we didn’t have a contract established for the next year. And I summed it up into: A lot of food. A lot of fitness. A lot of rest. A lot of recovery. A lot of mental strain. And a whole lot less glamorous than people think!
How do you deal with being away from family?
Not very well!! I’m obsessed with my family and gladly would do everything and anything with them. I’m blessed that I go home once a month (and all summer) for work, and family/friend time! But in between, FaceTime, phone calls, and texts are my saving grace. When we get time together, I try to make it real quality time. Presence is the best present!!
How do you make new friends when you move?
I don’t know if I’m an expert on this, but I always love meeting new people. In Edmonton, I had so many connections from friends that had moved there. I even got set up on blind friend dates, because a friend of a friend knew someone. That’s such a great way to make friends!! Someone you trust, knows who you will click with. In New York, I signed up for classes or activities that would get me out meeting people…fitness classes, leagues, clubs, etc. Don’t be afraid to talk to people. Don’t be afraid to say you’re “new.” Don’t be afraid to ask lots, and lots, and lots of questions! You never know where you’ll meet someone!
Where do you consider home?
I’ve talked before about how complicated the word “home” is. When I’m in Calgary, people will say, “when are you going home?” As in…back to where Jordan is playing. When I am in that place (New York/Edmonton), people will say, “when are you going home?” As in…back to Calgary. So, I use the word interchangeably as well…”home” meaning back to Jordan, or “home” meaning our permanent home in Calgary. But, after all that…our permanent home is Calgary!

Thanks for all your questions to get the conversation started!!