Alphabet Date Night continues! I love looking back and seeing the variety in our dates based on time of year, season and weather, and what’s going on in our lives/career. It’s a nice reminder that date night doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to be intentional – a date night at home with intent to focus on each other and make it quality time is just as good as splurging and spending a day adventuring! Don’t forget to go back and see what we did for A to D, E to H, and I to L.
A Reminder of How Alphabet Date Night Works:
- We schedule in date night.
- When it’s my turn to plan, I figure out which letter of the alphabet I’m on. Date 1 starts with A, Date 2 Starts with B, etc.
- I plan 1-3 activities that all start with that letter. It usually ends up being 2 activities – one that’s physical and one that’s food related.
- We go enjoy the date!!
“M” Date Night
We thought L date night might be our last date night before we welcomed our baby into the world, but turns out we got another date in the books! We took full advantage, by making it a full day extravaganza. We took the train into Manhattan (that’s a nice M right there), and saw a Matinee play (another M…it’s just a bonus that the show was called To Kill a Mockingbird), and then we headed off to dinner. For dinner we ate at a Michelin Star restaurant (something I’ve been into since all of my studying of Michelin Star restaurants in my food courses in University) and the restaurant was called Marea. We crushed M’s and had such a nice day together. Plus, we were home in time to get this 39-and-some week pregnant lady to bed!! M date day was Manhattan to see a Matinee (To Kill a Mockingbird), and eat at a Michelin Star Restaurant (Marea)!

More M Ideas:
Activities: Movie Night. Monopoly. Monopoly Deal. Museum. Musical. Mini Golf. Massages. Market. Mad Libs. Monster Jam. Movie. Music. Manicures. Magic. Mountains. Mall. Merry-Go-Round. Masks. Makeover. Marina. Mahjong. Monsters Inc Movie. Midway. Math. Marvel Movies. Marshmallow Roasting. Meditation. Maroon 5. Maze. Monikers Game. Mario Kart.
Food: Mexican Food. Munchies. M & M’s. Mediterranean Food. Mac & Cheese. McDonald’s. Mongolian Food. Maple Anything. Meat. Milk Chocolate. Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Anything. Mousse. Macaroons. Marshmallows. Mustard. Muffins. Maynards Candies. Mangoes. Mochi. Nachos.
Beverages: Milkshakes. Margaritas. Mocktails. Mimosas. Mocha. Matcha. Milk. Martini.
Specific Location: Moraine Lake. Maggiano’s Little Italy. Mario’s Pizza. Maestros. Marquee. Menchies.
“N” Date Night
N date night got us back on track with the proper order of the alphabet, and it was in isolation (because covid-19…). Getting creative with the alphabet at home, and with a Newborn (bonus N), was a nice challenge. We ordered a New Game, called Monopoly Deal (this would serve as a good M date night too!), which was a blast (even with only two people). Plus, the game only takes 15 minutes per round, which worked out great with a baby around. We topped that off with Nightcaps (even if it was just tea for me) while watching the Newsies Musical on Disney Plus! N date night was a New Game, Nightcaps, and Newsies the Musical.

More N Ideas:
Activities: Netflix. Night Market. NFL. NHL. 90’s Music. Name that Tune. Nursing! Nintendo. Nursery Rhymes. Narcos Mexico Show. Nerf Gun Fight. Nature Walk. Night at the Museum Movie. Nose Pore Strips. Nap. The Notebook Movie. No Phones. Namaste. Nail Spa. Neck Massages. Ninjago Show. “Never Have I Ever” Game. New Restaurant. Newspaper Reading. Novels. New Board Game.
Food: Nachos. Noodles. Nerds. Nibs. Nanaimo Bars. New Recipe. Nuggets. Neapolitan Ice Cream. Nuttin’ Butter Ice Cream. Nuts. Nectarines. Nutella. Nutella Crepes. Nutella Croissants. No Bake Dessert. Naan Bread.
Beverages: Nightcaps. Nestea. Nescafe.
“O” Date Night
O date day in isolation was filled with a lot of round (O-shaped) food. I made round eggs (in a muffin tin), pancakes, and Oranges (which was a double O!). Then, we went Outdoors. We set up a picnic blanket and a baby tent in the backyard and enjoyed brunch in the sunshine (followed by a walk)!…O date day was O-Shaped Food, Oranges, and the Outdoors!

More O Ideas:
Activities: Old Movies. Oil Paintings. Opposite Likes. Office Binge-Watching. Oscars. Outside. Oil Massage. Outdoor Dates. Ozark Movie. Outdoor Movie. Outdoor Concert. Origami. Obstacle Course. Olympic Games. Ouija Boards. Oceans 8. Original Date. Open Mic. Othello Board Game. Onesies. Order In. Online Shopping. Oprah. Operation. Ornament Making. Onward Movie. Online Date. Online Wine Tasting. Oxygen Bar. Opera. Organize. Orca Watching. Observatory.
Food: Onions. Omelettes. Oreos. Orange Juice.. Oatmeal Cookies. Oatmeal. Olives. Oysters. Olive Oil. Olive Oil Pasta. Onion Rings. Onion Dip. O-Shaped Food (Donuts, Pizza Bagels, Onion Rings, Rotelle Pasta). Oh Henry Bars. Orange Juice. Octopus. Order-in.
Beverages: Orzo. Orange Juice.
Specific Location: Ohio. Ocean. Opa. Orange Theory Fitness. Outback Steakhouse. Olympic Plaza. Olive Garden.
“P” Date Night
P date day was another quarantine date that was a whole lot of fun…I have to tell you – these dates at home getting creative (and without a babysitter) are sure memorable! We set up a putting green in the backyard and had a scorecard…we made legit rules for our 18 holes of putting! Luckily we had perfect weather, so after our putting game and listening to some country tunes, we were able to enjoy a Popsicle in the sunshine. Then, we headed inside and played a round of the Play Nine card game…I highly recommend. P date day was Putting Green, Popsicles, and Play Nine Card Game!

More P Ideas:
Activities: Popsicle Making. Petting Zoo. Pasta Making. Paint. Pottery Making. Putting Green. Pinball. Philosophical Talks. Picnic. Puzzle. Photo Shoot. Photography Lesson. PVR. Ping Pong. Pampering. Pool Day. Pool Game. Pajamas. Pilates. Puddle Jumping. Pretzel Making. Podcast. Piano. Pole Dancing. Puppies. Paper Mache. Paper Origami. Park. Parks & Rec. Pictionary. Pedicures. Play Nine Game. Play. Pickle Making. Paddle Boarding. Paddle Boats. Peddle. Peddle Tavern. Pickleball. Provincial Park. Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkin Carving. Planting. Pinterest Project. Piano Bar. Pitch Perfect Movies. Postmates. Penguins. Porch Swinging. Patio. Pond Hockey. Phone-Free Time. Poker. Pokemon. Piñata. Pinball. Play Doh. Pacman. Push-ups. Poems. Princesses. Playstation. Pirate or Police Show/Movie. Pub Crawl. Progressive Dinner. Pillow Fight. Paintball. Picking Flowers. Paths. Planet Earth TV Show. Parade. Plate Throwing.
Food: Pineapple. Pizza. Purple Potatoes. Potatoes. Pho. Pie. Pitchers. Pizza. Pancetta. Prawns. Popcorn. Panini. Popsicles. Pretzels. Perogies. Paella. Pancakes. Pulled Pork. Pork. Poutine. Pickles. Pastries. Pumpkin Muffins. Peaches. Pecan Tarts. Pudding. Pizzookie. Pomegranates.
Beverages: Prosecco. Pints. Pina Coladas. Pickled Caesar.