I’ve already talked about being environmentally-friendly in the bathroom, and I hope some of those ideas are serving you well! Now, it’s time to talk about the kitchen – the best place in the house, in my opinion. We all spend time eating and here is really where we can make an impact – small changes that will really become a simple habit. It does start at the grocery store – remembering to pack reusable bags, and even reusable produce bags, so you’re not heading out with all that extra plastic. But then, once you’re home with all the delicious food…what’s next?!
Disclaimer: I’m by no means perfect at being zero-waste, and I also am using up anything I had from before, such as Saran wrap, and Ziplocs, to name a few, but then vowing to not bring them into my life again, if I can avoid it! I’ve tried to start with one thing at a time.
Reminder: I sell Pampered Chef, so I’ll link up anything that is specifically Pampered Chef on this post, but you can use any brand that suits you!
Pampered Chef Glassware & Tupperware
Pampered Chef glassware and Tupperware (for something more light weight) makes it so easy to store your food (especially leftovers) and pack your food for work (or hikes), so that you’re not using plastic bags, throw-away containers, plastic wrap, etc.
Reusable Bags & Wrap
These items have replaced plastic bags and plastic wrap for me. And bonus, you can use them again and again and again…you may pay more in the beginning, but it will pay off for you, and the environment, in the end. To replace plastic bags, I use Stasher and Re(zip) – the stasher bags are much thicker, but also much more expensive; the re(zip) bags remind me more of a Ziploc-kind of thin, flexible feel, and come in multi-packs that are much less expensive. Lastly, to replace Saran wrap, I’ve converted to the etee wrap (I also know tons of people love the Goldilocks Wrap). That being said, I only use the etee wraps sporadically, as most of my leftovers and food prep goes in the glassware, tupperware, and the reusable bags I’ve mentioned!
Reusable Water Bottles
Not buying plastic water bottles is huge! Once again, this is just a habit that we need to get into. My biggest change was bringing my water bottle to the airport, so that I no longer needed to buy a water bottle in the airport, use their plastic cups on the plane, or if headed for a destination other than my home, use plastic water bottles there! I have a S’well bottle and am really enjoying my Corkcicle lately, but any brand will do!
Silicone Baking Mat
My silicone baking mat has made it so that I almost never use parchment paper! Huge difference on the amount you’re tossing and on your wallet.
Metal Straws
Truthfully, I almost never use a straw, but I do have people come over and request a straw, so for those people, I have metal straws! My niece actually packs a reusable straw and reusable cutlery in her purse with her, so that when she’s out at Starbucks or any other fast food location, she can use her own!
Bar Dish Soap
This has been the newest addition to my life. I have converted to most things in bar foam – my personal hand soap, my body soap for the shower, my shampoo and conditioner, and now, it’s the dish soap!! Next, I’ll have to get on researching reusable paper towel rolls! [Essentials by Nature carries the bar soap shown below, and if you order through them, you can use code LAUREN10 at checkout for 10% off].
Compost & Recycling
Now this is a biggy! I have to say, Calgary makes this so easy! Prior to Calgary having compost, I tried to make my own compost in my backyard, and it didn’t go so well… But now, Calgary has garbage pickup every two weeks, and then compost and recycling pickup more often than that! How great is it that garbage only needs to be picked up every two weeks? When you’re composting your leftover food, rotten food, and peels, etc., it’s amazing to see how small the garbage really is! I hope Long Island can get on board with this!

Hope some of these baby steps to nourishing our earth (and eliminating toxins from our kitchen) appeal to you!!